About T-REB...

T-REB eCCR was designed by divers as a sidemount system. Every part of the unit was worked out to give the greatest dive comfort, maximum streamlined configuration, easy attachment and best visibility. Single hand oxygen, diluent and OPV management, light and small controller that gives clear view to what happens in the loop are making the unit really comfortable. Ready to dive T-REB is not bigger then a 80cuf tank. This makes live easier. The unit is robust and can be used in any environment. Hard anodized surfaces are scratch resistant in all diving conditions. Display is protected by sapphire glass. T-REB attaches perfectly to the divers body and allows all positions with no substantial effect to WOB. Long head down descends are not a problem. Head up ascends are also easy. Underwater trim is perfect. The diver can manage around the neutral buoyancy from positive to negative simply by changing the current loop volume.
Take the unit and redefine the way you rebreathe!!!!